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Monday, October 27, 2008

Cleaning Up Ogden: Jefferson Historic District Demolition

Great before and after photos. This beautiful Victorian home has been a five-plex since 1905. Its a former listing of mine. The city recently purchased the home from my clients in an effort to prepare it to become a single family home and return it to owner occupancy after over a century of being a rental property. One of the issues at hand was the awful home next door. It was a "cat lady" house with filth galore. You could smell the home from the street. Definitely a case for the Health Department. This property also came landscaped with 100 year old Siberian elms as a special bonus. The city purchased this awful property as well.


Awe...doesn't that look better. Now there is room for a garage or yard for the victorian home.

My wife and I actually looked at purchasing this home back in 2004 but decided it was way to big of a project for us at the time since it would have been our first. I would feel comfortable taking it on now.

NOTE: This home is now for sale for only $35,000! This is not a typo. This is a great opportunity to restore an Ogden treasure. If you are interested in this home give me a call and I will walk you through the hoops.

Here is a montage of the interior and neighborhood.

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