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Sunday, April 19, 2009

Blast From My Past

While rummaging through some old boxes and personal items, my wife and I stumbled across a funny artifact from my freshman year in high school.

My English teacher had asked us to do a presentation on early Indian communities in the southwest. Looking back on it, the topic seemed more fitting for History than English. Anyway, we were supposed to choose an aspect of their life (food, culture, rituals, ect.) to discuss. In some weird flash of inspiration, I chose to talk about housing. I put together a flashy presentation and made business cards to distribute to everyone to support my presenting persona. Here is the card:

For the record: When I started high school, I wanted to grow up to be a mechanical engineer. My third day in Calculus 101 and AutoCAD 101 at USU proved I was pointed in the way wrong direction. Yet, during all my childhood I never thought: "I want to be a Realtor when I grow up." It's funny how life turns out.

1 comment:

  1. When I was in high school and actually growing up I dreamed of being a front line supervisor in a tech support call center.


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