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Monday, March 15, 2010

Call to Duty: Utah's House District 9

Although this is not a political blog, I wanted to make you aware that I will be seeking State office this year.  

Many people have asked: "Why in the world would you do that?! Do they pay you a lot of money?"

The answer to the second question is no.  The answer to the first is that I feel a personal compulsion to run.  I feel that I have been blessed with a unique set of talents and that putting those to work for the public an appropriate way for me to give back for the gifts I have been given.

If you are interested in hearing my political views, you can visit Mr. Peterson's Perspectives.  If you feel like you want to volunteer or contribute to support my campaign you can contact me directly at 801-390-1480 or email me at

Otherwise, keep enjoying this blog and lets talk about Real Estate!  

Thanks for allowing this brief digression. 

1 comment:

  1. Good luck. Keep me posted if there is anything I can do to help. I hope this time through you are successful especially with the turn of the tide since last elections. Go Jeremy!


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