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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Analysis of a Bargain: 1146 21st St.

Last week a client closed on a property that we had identified as a good bargain. As an estate sale, we were the first offer on the table when the home was listed.  We offered $60,000 financed.  Our inspections determined that the entire plumbing and electrical systems needed to be replaced so we asked for an additional $5,000 concession in the price.  The sellers accepted and we closed.

The post fix-up value on this property will be around $120k-$125K.  My client will be restoring the main level and making better sense of the use of space in the basement.  Total budget for rehab is about $35K-$40K.

This house also has the only ductless gravity fed heater I have ever seen:

Hot air rises out of the center circle and cold air returns around the edges.  Amazing!

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