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Friday, October 22, 2010

The Real Estate Horror Show

Interesting and creepy article out of California today:

A former real estate agent drove with the partially mummified body of a homeless woman in the passenger seat of her car for several months, according to a report. 
"This person was somewhat used to the smell," Costa Mesa Police Sgt. Ed Everett said. The 57-year-old former real estate agent said she had been too afraid to call the police after she found the body of the woman, the Register reported. 

So does one of those pine tree odor things you hang from your rear view mirror actually cover up the smell of death?  If so, I have some new marketing ideas for them.  And speaking of scary, is it less scary to drive around with a dead body in your car than to call the authorities the moment you find it?  Hmmm....

The body of the woman, who is believed to have been between 50 and 60 when she died, had been reduced to about 30 pounds when it was found, with the lack of air and weather conditions at the time helping to preserve it.
The Register said officials believed the woman had been dead for three to 10 months, based on the state of the body.

Yikes. Anyone want to go drive around and look at houses with this realtor?  

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