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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Market Update: Charts and More Charts

It's been some time since we have taken a look at sales figures for Weber County.  The numbers are in for February.  Click on any of these graphs to enlarge. Lets take a look:

The above chart shows sales for each month compared year to year.  This year's 2011 sales are dark blue.  It appears that we are off to a mild start to the year thus far. 

The above chart I created to show the percentage change year over year reflected in the first chart.  It is my hopes that the market will be equalizing soon and will at least stabilize around the zero-line.  Obviously growth would be a great thing too but we will take what we can get.  This chart will be well below the zero line in the next couple of months due to the caffeinated high induced by the tax credits last year at this time.  We will have to discount that data due to the unnatural distortions created by those incentives. 

Finally, we have the running tally on sales since 1996.  It looks like our glide slope down is leveling out after a dead cat bounce induced by the tax credits.

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