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Friday, April 22, 2011

Historic Property Scavenger Hunt

For all of you historic home enthusiasts, or for those of you looking for something wholesome and fun to do with the family, may I recommend participating in the Ogden City Historic Property Scavenger Hunt.

Photos of various historic buildings in the city have been taken and it is up to you to correctly identify the addresses of the buildings in the photos.  Entries will be included in a lottery for prizes which include gifts from local restaurants and a surprise grand prize for those who can correctly identify all of them.

Here are the forms you need (click to enlarge and print):

Hint: Some of these buildings and their corresponding addresses have been featured on this blog.

Entries are due by 5pm May 17, 2011.  You can turn them in at city hall.

Happy Hunting!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to find another blog about Ogden. My blog is dedicated to Ogden family events.


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