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Friday, April 15, 2011

Things To Do In Ogden: Snowshoeing to Malan's Peak

The wet spring weather has given me a bit of cabin fever.  The same weather has also blanketed some of my favorite hiking trails with snow.  So, rather than let mother nature keep me pinned indoors, I decided to dust off the snow shoes get some hiking done.  My good friend Chad Phillips with Secure American Title trekked up the hill with me today.

Our hike began at the top of 27th Street in Ogden.  At the present moment it appears that the streets are torn up for water main repairs.  So, be mindful of where you park.

The hike starts out rocky and the trail is dry.  However, as you enter Taylor Canyon the trail becomes more muddy and patches of snow appear. 

We were overtaken by a couple of guys that were headed to the top to B.A.S.E jump off.  Unfortunately, we were so slow we missed their jump and didn't get a photo of them.  Here is a photo of Chad with Ben Lommond peak in the background.

Once the switchbacks started up the hill the trail became packed with ice and snow.  The temperature was very low early on and the snow was crunchy.  It made for easy work with our snow shoes on.

As we pressed on, the temperature began to fluctuate significantly.  In the shade it was below freezing while in the sun it was well above.  Layering clothes proved helpful on the hike. 

The views were well worth the effort.

In many places, the trail was so depressed into the snow that it made more sense to snow shoe on level undisturbed areas.  Here I am below at Malan's Peak with Mt. Ogden in the background.

Below is a large photo of the city from our elevated vantage point.  Click to enlarge and see if you can spot your home. 

Finally, there are signs that Spring is really here.  We found this spider crawling all over a snow field.

If you decide to make this hike make sure you have enough layers and that your snow shoes are good.  The snow became slushy and slippery on the way down.  Be careful because there are a few spots where an untimely slip would mean falling a couple hundred feet down snow fields.  Just be prepared and you will have an enjoyable time.  Happy hiking!

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