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Thursday, June 2, 2011

JUST SOLD! Bargain Mini-Cottage

There is an interesting home manufacturer in Texas who makes "tiny" houses.  These homes are typically under 700 SQFT.  You can check out their website here.

Well today one of my clients closed on purchasing one of the Tiny Texas Homes' cousins here in Utah.

Clocking in at just over 800 SQFT (that number includes a 150 SQFT basement) this little cottage was purchased for the princely sum of $38,000.  The home is a 2 bed 1 bath configuration.  The upstairs is a loft style bedroom and the 2nd bedroom (if it can be called that) is where the big window is to the right of the front door. 

My client will be doing some cleanup and curb appeal enhancements and I will be managing the property as a rental for them.  We anticipated the place will easily fetch $575-$625 per month.  My client acquired the property with financing while putting 20% down and utilizing a 15 year term.  Even with the short amortization, the monthly payments are barely over $300/mo.  That is good investment math.

Congrats to the buyer on purchasing this fun little property! 

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