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Saturday, November 19, 2011

REO Worst Home Improvement Gallery

I had the opportunity to preview a few REO homes with a client recently.  We stumbled upon a home that had some "improvements" that were too funny to pass up.  I came back with my camera to document the do-it-yourself comedy.

On first impression, this home seems like a cute brick bungalow from the 1920's.  However, upon closer inspection some interesting surprises await...

First up is the swamp cooler support structure.  It's made out of landscaping border lumber and scraps.  It appears that the level and square were unavailable the day it was made.  

On the interior we find that the swamp cooler was ill fitted for the window woodwork.  However, that is an easy fix with a hammer and brute force.  

Something is amiss with the fireplace.  It turns out the fireplace is electric.  Notice the wire and plug sticking out of the bookshelf...then notice the outlet on the floor.  

Yellow foam is a cure-all for any home improvement problem.  It's also handy for making your bathroom look like something from a horror movie. 

Sometimes basements can be scary.  What better to make you feel safe and keep you company while you shower than this friendly vent register....  

...of course, assuming you can get to the shower without electrocuting yourself first.

Make sure while you are on the loo taking care of business, that the business from upstairs doesn't drip on your head.  

Plumbing is expensive.  Best to just avoid installing it when possible.

 And to close the sale, this home comes with a 2-year home warranty!

There you have it folks.  Some of the "best" improvements I have seen in quite a while.  I hope you grinned like I did.

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