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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Ogden Redevelopment: Ogden Temple, IRS Building, Hilton Hotel and More...

While driving around this morning, I thought I would take the opportunity to snap some photos of some redevelopment projects currently underway in Downtown Ogden.

The New Ogden Temple

The Ogden Temple continues to plod along.  There have been some delays as more prep work is done to clear the way for underground parking at the site.  Water table issues stopped work for a while so engineers could retool and budgets could be realigned.  However, construction on the main edifice has begun to show.  Here you can see the new concrete boxes being framed and poured just east to the main framework of the old structure.

The Ogden Hilton

Crews just recently were able to "dry-in" the structure and are now at work putting on the exterior finishes.  This new building is located at the corner of 23rd Street and Washington Blvd.

The New IRS Building

This new structure has been under construction for some time.  The builders are behind schedule but the interior is currently being finished so the project should be completed soon.  The structure will compliment other IRS facilities located on the block.

Pioneer (4th Ward) Chapel Restoration

Several years ago Boyd K. Packer came to our Chapel for a Stake Conference.  When he walked through the church he told our Stake President: "Don't you let anyone touch this building." To see what he was talking about, watch this video of the interior.  The church is now making seismic upgrades to the building similar to those made to Ogden High School.  Hopefully, the structure will last for generations to come.

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