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Friday, May 11, 2012

Home Improvement Hilarity: More From the Rogue's Gallery

I have been looking at a lot of homes lately while shopping with clients.  Sometimes the things I see are just too hilarious for me not to photograph and share.

Funny home improvement

Ever wonder why your knees and nose hurt every time you go downstairs?

When your red brick just isn't red enough, you can always paint it redder.  There, that's better.

Want black trim on your stove?  Spray paint does the trick...sort of.  NOTE: Spray paint is not heat tolerant.

This is really an oddity.  The home grown mini-fireplace surrounded in bookshelf-esque masonry work.  Interesting....

I am not sure if this massive gaudy light fixture was put in the back entrance hall to hide it from everyone or if this was a special place in the home.  The jury is still out.

That's all for now...

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