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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Ogden Temple Reconstruction Update: Steeple Up

Progress continues on the Ogden temple.  While the upper part of the edifice is still wrapped in scaffolding, the lower part has its granite exterior in place.  It isn't readily visible from the street unless you drive real slow and peek though the gates to catch a glimpse.

I have to give the church credit for keeping things discrete with ample privacy fencing.  It keeps gawkers like myself from being an annoyance to the crews at work.  However, one thing they can't hide with privacy fencing is the work going on with the steeple.

For the past week the crews have been applying the finish to the steeple on the ground.  Finally it was time to hoist it to its proper place.

By nightfall it was in place.  Here is the view now from my daughter's bedroom window:

It looks like work on the exterior is quickly finishing.  I am excited to see what finishes are in store for the interior.

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