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Friday, November 7, 2008

More Businesses Coming to Ogden

Redevelopment in Ogden continues.

The Standard Examiner is reporting that the city council, in its RDA role, is contemplating assisting in the redevelopment of the new commercial areas at 12th St. and Wall Ave. This area was housing originally and the homes and miscellaneous buildings have since been torn down. The plan is to put a grocery store and accompanying retail stores. I imagine it will be something like the center at Albertson's at 20th and Harrison Blvd but much much better. The location at 12th St. is much more conducive to shopping.

It was also reported today that a 3rd indoor rock climbing facility will be coming to Ogden. The facility will be located in the AmeriCan Building that also houses DiVinci High School and Solomon Ski Headquarters.

This is great news. Despite the general economic slow down, the basic demand for goods and services is still enough to spur redevelopment. This is interesting because as more businesses move to Ogden, more demand for services is created. Therefore, more businesses move to Ogden to provide their services...and round and round we go.

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