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Friday, December 12, 2008

Good Landlord Program Spreads to Clearfield

Clearfield city recently announced that it will be instituting a Good Landlord program much like the one in force in Ogden City. Clearfield City now requires all landlords to be licensed and pay a $27 fee per unit annually. If landlords choose to participate in the Good Landlord program, that fee will be reduced to $5.

This is a good move for Clearfield city. Ogden has had a 30% reduction in crime amoung rental units because of heavy participation in the program. Ogden's program was instituted in 2004. Ogden's non-participant fees are much higher than what Clearfield is proposing which probably accounts for the strong participation levels in the city. It will be interesting to see what percentage of landlords choose to participate in the Clearfield area and how that will affect crime statistics there.

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