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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Ogden Streetcar Study Coming Soon

Finally, the study to determine what route would be best for the Downtown Ogden-WSU-McKay Dee Hospital route is going to start.

The three possible choices are:

1. 23rd and Wall to Washington to 36th to Harrison to WSU-McKay Dee.
2. 23rd and Wall to Washington to 30th to Harrison to WSU-McKay Dee.
3. 23rd and Wall to Washington to 26th to Harrison to WSU-McKay Dee.

Place your bets on which you think the study group will find the best.

I think 30th Street makes the most sense. The rail has the potential to act as a segretator when going though residential neighborhoods. 30th Street, because it is so wide and so busy, just like Harrison Blvd, already acts as a segragator. The neighborhoods would spare being further segregated as would happen if one of the alternative routes was chosen. 30th Street also has the room to put a street car through. 26th St. might have room and 36th St. definitely does not.

Logistically and economically, this 30th St. choice makes the best sense to me. Lets see what the study group says in 2010 when done with its work.

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