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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Downtown Ogden Relieved of Deseret Industries

Downtown Ogden will be taking another step in the right direction toward gentrification this summer. Deseret Industries, the thrift store and vocational rehabilitation facility operated by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, will be closing at its location at 20th St and Washington Blvd. and moving to Harrisville. The new site and improved facility will open at North St. and Wall Ave.

This will place another low-income services provider closer to suburban resources (human and financial) where the local community will be better equipped to assist those who are part of the D.I. program.

Hopefully, this is the beginning of a trend to move more institutions that service low-income and under privileged citizens closer to communities that are better equipped to assist those in need. The disproportionate concentration of these institutions in the urban core of Ogden has created a situation where people in need of assistance significantly out numbers those can provide that assistance. By spreading the institutions around, charitable work can be shared by our entire county and not just the few charitable (and often burned out) folks in downtown Ogden.

1 comment:

  1. Jeremy,

    This is the best news I have read in a long time. I think this is a great step for both the city and surrounding neighborhood. I am also happy it is going into a better facility in a better neighborhood. I think it is a win/win.



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