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Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Ogden Safer Than Salt Lake City

Some very interesting statistics have come out recently on crime in the downtown Ogden area. The Crime Reduction Task Force created in November 2007 has made significant strides in reducing crime in the the East Central Bench Historic District.

To summarize, all types of crime have declined from 15% to 35%. Way to go Ogden PD!

Here are some links to stats comparing Ogden to Salt Lake City. Very insightful:


Looks like all the good things the media are saying about Ogden are coming true.

1 comment:

  1. Go OPD! Great job in making Ogden a better place. Please lets all keep the pressure on the city for graffiti removal. Nothing will ruin the city faster. Jeremy thanks for all your great research and posts. I look forward to your blog every month.
    Regency Property Management


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