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Monday, February 16, 2009

Where is the Gang Crime?

Crime occurs in every city. Usually though, the crime is concentrated in general geographic areas. There was a recent KSL report about a gang-related shooting in Ogden. However, they neglected to tell the readers exactly where this occurred.

It's important to clarify approximately where gang-related activities are happening and understand why. Typically they happen where gangsters live. Gang related violence is usually a spur of the moment crime where one individual is verbally insulted by an opposing gang member and then feels forced to defend his "honor" in some sort of violent manner. Then, usually within 24 hours, retributions occur on either side of the dispute.

This kind of violence is different than mobster violence in that mobsters tend to hold grudges and plot revenge over long periods of time. Gang-related violence is very impulsive. However, most tends to happen after 11pm.

While running for political office I knocked many many doors and walked nearly every street that you will see on this map. Based on what I know about the neighborhoods, my experience while I was there, and where the reported crimes are happening, I have created this map to show approximately where gang-related crimes are occurring. (Note: This map is not related to other crimes.)

The light pink zone is an area of lighter gang-related activity. The dark pink zone is where the majority of news worthy events are occurring. Most, unfortunately, are happening around 28th and Lincoln near the Marshall White Community center.

The green zone is the East Central Bench Historic District. It is the area that is seeing the most rejuvenation in the city. Notice that the pink area overlaps in the Historic District on the southwest corner. A few years ago, the overlap was much much larger. There has been a lot of progress made in the past few years of cleaning up the neighborhoods. I anticipate that this trend will continue and ultimately the "pink zone" will be constrained to the west of Washington Blvd.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the great updates on Ogden City. Your insights help a bunch. I love the map and look forward to using it with clients. Keep up the great work.
    Brandon Stanger
    Regency Property Management


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