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Friday, April 3, 2009

Photo of the Day: Chapel Design Disaster

If you live in Utah, you can count on finding an LDS chapel somewhere close by in your neighborhood. The church seems to have recently nailed down a highly efficient and aesthetically pleasing chapel design. The church recently built one at the corner of 27th Street and Jefferson Ave. in downtown Ogden. Here is a photo:

This is what a chapel should look like.

While driving around Sunset today I cruised past this embarrassing edifice on 1800 N.

At first I thought it was something else besides a church. That is, until I saw that anemic little steeple hiding there. It seems to me that the church architects were on strike so they called in the state prison architects to throw something together in the meantime. EEK! This building seems to invoke bewilderment rather than the intended sense of reverence.

It's good to see that the church has a contemporary design that works well now.


  1. I think the old white building came from Mesa, Arizona! It looks a lot like a desert adobe to me.
    Brandon Stanger
    Regency Property Management

  2. I think they were trying to pull off an Art Deco 1930s style look but with 1950s influence. Its really a tragedy. They ran out of bricks so they had to mingle bricks from another batch (different color) in a few spots. That white patchiness on the left of the building is where they did that. Just poor planning.


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