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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Weber County Tax Sale Results

This year's tax sale was pretty interesting. Quite a few homes up for sale this year. The room was filled which isn't normally the case. There were about 6 well prepared bidders and the rest were spectators. I went to bid on some property for a client but the owner paid the taxes owed right before the auction.

Randy Layton's property at 2710 Monroe was probably the most talked about. It was mostly rehabbed but had $3,800 in taxes owing. For some reason, he couldn't scrounge up the cash. I talked to him at the auction about it and he seemed complacent.

The nice thing about the auction is that abutting owners get first dibs on the property before it is opened up to the general public for bidding. Many of the parcels went to these abutting neighbors. If nobody bid on it, the county "struck" it to records and took ownership.

Here are the results:

Note: 10-46-0004 is 176 Acres of land in West Warren. 12-128-0024 is a single family home on west 17th Street.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting results. Next time let's talk sooner to get in on the opportunities!


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