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Monday, August 3, 2009

Ahh! Crazed Kid-Arsonist On The Rampage

We just got back from vacation today. While we were gone my cell phone died so I checked my voicemail at the end of each day. On Saturday I had to sit and listen to this string of messages waiting for me:

4:00pm - From S.W. "Hey man, there are like five pumper trucks right near your house at 22nd and Jefferson, call me"
4:02pm - From Brinks Home Security "We have a fire alarm going off at your home. Please contact us."
4:28pm - From Brinks Home Security "We have a security alarm going on in zones 7,8,9,10...."
4:30pm - From my sister-in-law "Jeremy, call me I need your security code for the home!"

So at this point I was pretty sure my house had burned down.

Fortunately for me, it had not. Unfortunately for my neighbors, it was their home that burned down. We had left our window open an that is what set the alarms off.

The perpetrator of this atrocity was a nine year old boy. Apparently, he poured gasoline on the front porch and threw a match on it. Not out of curiosity, he didn't even live there, but out of anger because his grandmother took a toy away from him earlier. This is the same nine year old boy who lit the yard of Dee Elementary on fire across the street earlier. He is also the same young boy who broke into our church, stole the fire extinguishers, and fired them off with a bunch of friends.

This kid is clearly screaming out for attention. He needs to be put in a home of some type that can handle the vast array of problems he has.

I am just glad the kid didn't pick my house to torch.

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