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Friday, September 11, 2009

Davis and Weber County Unemployment Chart

House prices and markets are driven by income. Jobs and unemployment are highly correlated to the real estate cycle.

Hence todays unemployment charts. I created this chart to compliment the sales charts in today's earlier post. I believe Davis County's lower unemployment figures are playing into the sales statistics.

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. So unemployment can tell you how sales are going to be and vice versa. But how does that help you? Which one comes out first? How do you use the data?

  2. Sales volume and price point are both affected by unemployment. The whole objective of the charts is to understand where you are in time. Are things going to get worse? Or better? When we know where we are on the cycles, its easier to make strategic plans for the future.

    For instance, on these unemployment charts, we are peaking now or soon. That means that more buyers will be entering the market and downward price pressure will be easing up a bit over the next year. That tells me I need to prepare to be prepared to change my listing strategies with sellers.


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