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Thursday, September 3, 2009

Ogden Rising: Washington Ave. Resuscitation

Ogden City has become the beneficiary of its "share" of the federal stimulus package passed by Congress. Although I am personally against Congress spending our tax money willy-nilly, I also believe that once a ridiculous spending bill is passed, it is paramount for local governments to spend the money in a way to maximize its effectiveness. Otherwise, communities may loose their competitive economic advantage to other communities by wasting the money on unproductive projects.

That leads to today's post. The city has allocated its $300,000 share of funds to rehabilitate and rent out dilapidated commercial buildings along the 2300 block of Washington Ave. This is a great use for the money. The prosperity induced by creating tenable commercial space will pay dividends for a generation.

According to the Standard Examiner, perspective tenants are already in negotiations to rent the property once it is fixed. Excellent news!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for keeping me up to date with what is happening in Ogden!


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