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Monday, October 19, 2009

Ogden Hoarder vs. The EPA

The Standard Examiner reported yesterday on a hoarder in Ogden who found himself in trouble with the EPA: 

Firefighters and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency officials combed the home of an elderly couple Saturday in search of potentially dangerous materials that had apparently been stored in the dwelling for years.    Various chemical compounds such as resins and epoxy-like materials, some kept in original containers manufactured in the mid-1990   s, were found at the home at 1620 9th St., said Ogden Fire Chief Mike Mathieu.

NOTE: As a real estate agent, I would advise against using your carport as a storage facility for caustic chemicals.  Especially when you are trying to sell your home.  It tends to "spook" buyers.  I know it sounds totally unreasonable, but what can I say?  Buyers are picky these days.

The last part of the story is the best:
Firefighters, EPA officials and representatives from the city’s Risk Management Department and Weber-Morgan Health Department began planning for the operation Thursday after being contacted by the woman who lives at the house, Mathieu said....The woman who lives at the house where Saturday’s operation took place said her husband kept chemicals in the storage units in anticipation of selling them to the government.
In other words, if you are hoarding toxic chemicals, make sure you keep your wife happy!

Photos courtesy Standard-Examiner

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