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Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Trolley Disctrict Movement

One of my good neighbors, Shalea Larsen, has initiated a campaign to re-brand Ogden's premier historic neighborhoods while also supporting a mass transit option under consideration.

I encourage you to visit the new site:


Particularly during the East Central Bench neighborhood planning meetings, we had spirited discussion about the role of mass transit in the nieghborhoods and the role that it should play.

I personally support the idea of bringing trolley transit back to the neighborhoods here. It has been proven to work before, it works in other cities, and it will work here again.

I also like the new name associated with the historic neighborhoods. The "East Central" label it currently has is such a sterile and lifeless one. Its connotations conjure up images of urban squalor. The Trolley District sounds much more alive. I believe Ogden's renaissance will require a few name changes to reflect the good things happening here.

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