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Monday, October 5, 2009

The Trolley District Neighborhood Plan Meeting

David Eccles at his home on Jefferson Ave.

Over the last year neighbors have been involved in creating a plan for the East Central Bench Historic District or Trolley District. After an initial meeting with over 100 people present, the participants were divided into separate steering committees. Finally, the Planning Commission has reviewed the communities input and crafted it into a cohesive and well thought out plan for our neighborhood.

Please read the report here.

I am excited to see this plan put into action.

If you live in the Trolley District and would like to voice your support for the plan to the City Council, the meeting will be held October 20th at 6pm at the James Madison Elementary School at 25th and Madison Ave.

See you there!

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to mention that we, (people who came up with the name Trolley District), have started a web site


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