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Friday, January 29, 2010

The Big Squeeze: 1.1 Million More People

The Wastach Front Regional Council has a new report out called THE WASATCH CHOICE FOR 2040: The Greater Wasatch Area’s Map to the Future.  Its an interesting perspective of the the population growth anticipated in Northern Utah.

Here is a quote from the report:

Over the next 30 years, the Wasatch Front urban area of Weber, Davis and Salt Lake Counties will add 1.1 million new residents, a 70% increase. Morgan and Tooele counties will see even higher growth rates.

Lets say that the average household is 4 people.  This 1.1M translates into 275,000 households that will need housing in the next 30 years.  Builders will need to construct approximately 9,200 housing units a year, either via apartments or homes just to put a roof over everyone's head.  If you think we are doomed to price deflation in housing in Utah forever, you had better think twice about that idea. 

I am in the process of finding building permit data to find out where construction is now relative to that 9,200 figure.  My hunch is that we are much lower than that and so we are experiencing pent up demand.

Finally, here is a map provided by the WFRC on suggested use of space. 

If you read the entire WFRC report, you will see that the Trolley District Neighborhood Plan that was recorded in the books of Ogden City this past year is very much in line with the goals and suggestions of the report.  Compliments to city staff, Council and Mayor for thinking ahead and bringing Ogden's planning and development in line with demands of a burgeoning population.

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