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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Things to Do In Ogden: Waterfall Canyon in Winter

My wife and I left the kids with a sitter and headed out for a Saturday hike.  We decided to visit Waterfall Canyon just on the edge of town.  You may recall our hike with the kids to this same location last may.  In the winter, the waterfall freezes over into a beautiful ice flow.  Here is a brief video of our adventure:

Kim is much more graceful than I am when it comes to sliding down the mountain.  While we were at the waterfall the sun shined on the ice and the entire structure began to pop and crackle.  After this footage was taken, giant chunks of ice began to break off and cascade down to where we were.  Being hit with one of these could be fatal so if you head up there, be very careful.


It was a beautiful and peaceful hike.  We met a hiker on the trail.  When we talked to him it sounded like he wasn't having fun.   Taking a quick look at his shorts and tennis shoes it was no wonder why.  If you head up, be prepared for slick conditions.  The trail is heavily used and the snow is packed and very slippery in many places as you can see in the video.  Regardless, waterfall canyon is a great escape to clear the head and enjoy nature.  

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