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Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Power To Destroy: EPA Punches Contractors, Investors and Property Managers in Face with Iron Fist

Outrageous news from Washington D.C. as the EPA has clenched its regulatory fist and is throwing it into everyday life of contractors, real estate investors, and property managers.  On top of that, they have created incentives unleashing a torrent of litigation and frivolous lawsuits.  Effective April 22, 2010, the EPA now mandates, at the threat of your absolute financial ruin, Lead Paint Certification and Practices for anyone who remodels property.  I am not exaggerating.

Please watch the following video links:

Whats the Reason for The Rule?

So, have either of these three people ever held a hammer in their life?  I doubt it.  Do they even have children of their own? Why are they worried about my children? Isn't that my job?

Who Does the Rule Cover?

Well isn't that just fine and dandy.

Is it Possible to Avoid the Rule?

I like how they say that lead-free houses should have a marketing advantage as rentals.  Do these people even own rental property?  PROBABLY NOT!  I have never met a tenant in my life that cares about lead paint.  When I give them the brochure they immediately chuck it in the trash.  Do they care that my property has bragging rights as a lead-free home?  No.  

And here is the clincher everyone...PLEASE WATCH...


They beat around the bush and then show their hand.  $37,500 per violation!  WHAT?!  ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! That's a dagger in the chest.  In this market, that will bankrupt anyone who violates this ridiculous new rule.  And, to top it off they rely on tips from citizens (angry tenants being evicted) to report violations.  And just to twist the knife after its been securely lodged in your chest, the accusers (neighbors, passers-by, anyone who suspects a violation) have the right to sue the violator for damages and court fees.   UNBELIEVABLE!

I can't even begin to express how over reaching, punitive, and counterproductive this rule is.  These bureaucrats have no real work experience and will destroy many average Americans with the stroke of a pen.  The only result of this will be more contractors out of work, landlords letting their properties atrophy, and a declining standard of living for tenants.

This must be stopped!

Please contact Representative Rob Bishop and let him now how you feel about this issue at:

Washington office:
123 Cannon Building
Washington, DC 20515
ph: 202-225-0453
fax: 202-225-5857



  1. This really is ridiculous! My dad does reconstruction of homes for insurance companies and just had to go to a training on this... they are treating it like asbestos. I would say they are definitely going too far!

  2. I am already scheduled for training on May 24th. That's $195 that I will be passing on to my tenants so who is really winning here?

  3. I contacted one of my friends in the state house of representatives and he is creating a file to take a look at the issue to see what can be done. Let's keep our fingers crossed. I am calling Rob Bishops office Monday to address the issue. I encourage everyone else to do the same.

    This law only results in a reduced standard of living for all of us.


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