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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Photo of the Day: Ruins of Righteousness

Yesterday I was showing a home in Porterville, Utah. For those of you unfamiliar with Porterville, it is about six miles south of Morgan on the way to East Canyon State Park. Its a very pretty and pastoral place. While there, I stumbled upon this interesting site:

I did some research and it turns out to be an old LDS chapel built in 1898.  A fire in 2000 gutted the building.
Here is what the gothic structure looked like in 1920:

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jeremy, you might also like to know that a movie was also filmed in that old church before it burned down. It's called "Trolls 2" and is really funny because it was so bad. It won a recent award for the best worst movie ever made. Check it out.


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