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Monday, August 9, 2010

JUST SOLD! End-of-Life Victorian

I just closed with a client on the purchase of this home:

A very cute and large victorian home from 1892.  This happens to be just a few houses from my own home.  In fact, I attempted to buy this a couple of times just as the bubble burst in 2007/2008.  Trying to obtain a construction loan became impossible.  Nevertheless, the owner and I stayed in contact over the last few years.

Unfortunately, for the sanctity of the home, it was converted to multi-unit housing sometime in 1920's.  The home is now a house of horrors with foundation problems and structural issues due to years of neglect.  None of the original woodwork is intact and the home has been scabbed together inside.  Windows have been bricked in, doors have been sheetrocked over and other ridiculous things have happened to the inside.

While in this configuration, its tenants have been a scourge to our neighborhood.  Thus, the buyer of this home has been deliberating between fixing it up and tearing it down.

Here is what the last home I sold to this buyer looks like:

Although it would be beautiful to see the home restored, I have a feeling that whatever replaces it will be of a greater lasting impact to our neighborhood.

Whatever happens, I will keep you updated.

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