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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Things to Do In Utah: The Heber Creeper

Our family spends a lot of time in Heber Valley.  It's been a rendezvous spot for my family for quite some time now.   Yet, despite the time we spend there, I am always finding new things to do.

This year's Labor Day experience took us to the Heber Creeper.  What is the Heber Creeper you say?  Well, its a train that runs on the rails that traverse Wasatch County and Deer Creek Reservoir to Provo Canyon.

We took the kids because we thought an old fashioned train ride would be fun for them.  The Heber Valley Railroad is supposed to be a nostalgic experience since the cars are vintage and very well maintained.  Its kind of like a working museum.

I was very impressed with the condition of the old cars and the attention to detail.

 To understand why they call the train a "Creeper", you simply need to watch the scenery pass by.  I don't think we exceeded 25mph the entire 20 minute trip.

The kids had a great time however.  They were full of excitement and wanted to share that with us.  On one part of the trip, the rail runs right through a brand new subdivision of large homes.

My oldest daughter, who is eight, leans over to me and says in a very excited yet sincere tone:

"Dad, these people are the luckiest people in the world.  They get to see a train full of people go by everyday and they can see it right from their very own back porches!"

Ah, yes.  A railroad passing through the back yard is a big bonus in the eyes of the scrutinizing mind of an eight year old home buyer.

I love my kids.

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