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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

AAH! Bed Bugs In Weber County!

After work today I visited someone I know who has tenants in their basement.  These tenants are highly educated and work in respectable professions.  This evening they notified their landlord that they discovered bed bugs in their basement apartment.  Yikes!  Bed bugs have arrived in Weber County!

Apparently the tenant noticed a "rash" this morning on his arm.  He dismissed it until he came home and noticed that his sheets were spotted with blood...a common indicator of bed bugs.  He also noticed black dots on the headboards and the sheets.  This was evidence of bed bug eggs.  Then they caught a live one.  I looked at the critter and sure enough it looks like a bed bug that you would see online somewhere.

The tenant today thew away his mattress and bedding.  What an expensive problem these insects create! Interestingly, he is unsure where he made first contact with the bugs but somewhere between public transportation, a hotel stay a while ago, and public buildings, they hitched a ride home with him.

For a quick review of the facts on the problem, click here.

So, sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite!

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