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Monday, November 8, 2010

Real Estate Wisdom From George Washington

I recently finished reading George Washington's Sacred Fire by Peter A. Lillback.  It was an excellent book.

I found a quote from Washington about landlords which I thought was insightful:

"From long experience I have laid it down as an unerring maxim that to exact rents with punctuality is not only the right of the Landlord, but that it is also for the benefit of the Tenant, that it should be so; unless by uncontroulable events, and providential strokes the latter is rendered unable to pay them; in such cases he should not only meet with indulgence, but, in some instances with a remittal of the rent.  But, in the ordinary course of these transactions, the rents ought to be collected with the most rigid exactness."

Our Founding Father makes the case for collecting rent from your tenants on time.

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