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Friday, December 17, 2010

Good Bye Provo Tabernacle

Utah has lost a fine specimen of Victorian Architecture.

Built in 1883, it was one of Utah's oldest standing structures.  Here it is today:

I doubt the church will be able to save this building although I believe erecting a new replica-like structure would be a worthy pursuit.  It took 15 years to build the original tabernacle.


  1. A replica sounds like a bad idea.

  2. The LDS Church are masters of replicating old structures. The Nauvoo Temple is a prime example. It is a beautiful structure and on the outside is almost an exact replica of the original. I think a replica is a wonderful idea.

  3. ...and a replica it will be! I'm so excited for this wonderful building to come back to life with even greater purpose and beauty than ever before. Plans for it are found here


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