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Monday, December 13, 2010

Shameless Self (ish) Interest

Today I had an amusing experience.  I had called an investor acquaintance who had complained about having money but no worth while projects to invest in.  I had been working with some other investors who had shown interest in a particular home but not been willing to move forward.  Since the home was just the type of project I am used to handling, I proposed that the acquaintance and I partner on the home.  He would provide the capital and I would provide the project management.  He called me back agreed that this would work.  Today I gave him the address and set up an appointment with the seller so he could make sure he was comfortable with the project.  When I called back this evening to see how the appointment went, he said it went great and that he had offered to buy the property for himself from the seller.  Whoa?!

He then said that he negotiated the price down so he wouldn't have to pay any realtor fees and told me "he knew I gave him the property address and connected him with this property because I knew he was an investor with capital that needed a property." Did you hear about my new investor charity program?

He then offered to partner with me on any OTHER property that I found.  Uh, right.  He then said he felt bad and thought that he might offer a finder's fee.  When I suggested the commission amount he had the poor taste to say "Well why don't I give that to you as a credit so you will just owe me back the next deal we do together." 

Unbelievable.  Needless to say, this person is now on the short list of folks I don't do business with.  

Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice....

1 comment:

  1. How do people stay in business when they act this way. What a jerk


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