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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Ogden Redevelopment: Update April 2011 - LDS Temple, Hotel, IRS and More...

Many folks that I talk to are unfamiliar with Ogden or have an outdated perception of our city.  So, today I thought I would highlight some of the improvements being made presently or soon to be made which are just a part of the long procession of rejuvination projects that have occurred over the last decade. 

The Junction

The Junction is a mixed-use development that sits where the old Ogden Mall used to be.  Larry Miller saw the opportunity in the city and built a Megaplex Theater which you see in the right of the photograph.  There are restaurants, condos, and apartments in this relatively new development. 

Across the street from the Megaplex sits this lot which is slated to be developed into a new Hotel sometime in the near future.  I anticipate ground breaking sometime later this year.  In the background is Ensign Plaza which was built by Property Reserve Inc. and houses top end tenants.  Vacancy is up due to economic conditions; but, when the building fills, another plaza like this building is to be built just north of the Temple lot.

New IRS Building

The IRS is constructing a new facility at the corner of 24th St. and Lincoln Ave. to dovetail with it's existing facilities in Downtown.  The completion of this structure will add about 750 jobs to the job base in the center of the city and should be a boost to surrounding businesses.  The new structure will be 116,000 SQFT and will cost $21 million to construct.  It is expected to be finished in early 2012.

LDS Temple Renovation and Mixed Use Development

The LDS Temple closed on April 1st and will be torn down to make way for a new non-wedding cake styled structure.  You may be interested in the before and after pictures provided by the church.  It will be a great addition to the downtown area. 

Also, in December the church purchased the Ogden Lodge and just recently finished demolition.  It is rumored that this site will be the home of future mixed use - street side retail stores with upper level lofts and condos for residential living.  This will be a remarkable and positive change of use for this site.  The Ogden Lodge became a flop house in the 1970's when I-15 first opened and superseded Highway 89 (Washington Blvd.) as the main thoroughfare of travel.  

Weber-Morgan Annex

The Weber-Morgan Health Department is constructing a new annex building adjacent to it current facility.  The structure is replacing the old Standard Examiner building which was recently demolished.

New Parking

This may seem like a silly issue but parking happens to be the biggest constraint to the economy in Downtown Ogden.  Improvements were recently made to this parking lot across the street from the Junction.  Common sense access was added from 23rd Street.

The original entrance was via this scary alley way and through a concrete maze.  The parking lot was also gravel and unpaved.  Is it any wonder folks chose not to use it?

These are just some examples of what is happening in the down town corridor of Ogden.  There will be more announcements and other constructions projects coming.  I will keep you posted as things develop.  

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