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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Demolition Day: Deferred Maintenance Disaster

I was cruising through Ogden the other day and was shocked to see a home being torn down at 2015 Monroe Blvd.  Here are the before and after photos:

The home had been vacant for several years and needed some TLC.  However, I didn't think the condition was as bad as it really turned out to be.  Here is the city order to abate the problem (click to enlarge):

I did some research to find out the story behind the home.  I discovered that the property was controlled by a local real estate "guru" who is very widely known in the Weber County real estate investment community.  It appears that someone may have just experienced a serious (i.e. total) loss on their investment.  Whoops!

Moral of the Story:  Fix up your homes before they become garden plots.  

Posted by Jeremy Peterson
Ogden, Utah Real Estate Broker
Mountain Real Estate Companies

1 comment:

  1. This is an all too common occurrence in this city. Too many homes are being allowed to come to such a state of disrepair and the city is too quick to simply tear them down. The historic structures we have in this town are incredible and, sadly, we are losing too many of them.


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