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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Wild West: Farr West City Tamed By The Law

Last month I reported about a project that an associate of mine was working on in Farr West to build an assisted living center for the elderly.  You can read the story in Wild West: Farr West City Denies Developer and Dooms Taxpayers.

Well, it appears that the reality of the situation has finally caught up to the city council.  The Standard Examiner reports the following:

After a scolding from its own attorney, the city council this week granted Anthony Marler permission to build an assisted living facility.

The action reversed the council's ruling earlier this year that the center could not be built because it was on land the council designated as wetlands.
Had the city not reversed course, the penalty the city would pay would likely not me a small sum.  The city attorney cites other examples:

And such a ruling would have severe consequences for the city, he said. He pointed out a case in Boise, Idaho, in which a county lost a similar suit and is now filing for bankruptcy because of the $4 million awarded.
The taxpayers of Farr West can breath a little easier tonight. 

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