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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Ogden Temple Renovation: July 2011 Update

The Ogden Temple renovation is in high gear and crews continue to dissemble the facade of the temple structure.  The picture below was taken July 25, 2011.

The exterior paneling is being removed and exposing the inner steel frame.  The windows in the tabernacle have also been removed.

In this photo you can see that the two story parking structure that existed to the west of the tabernacle has been completely removed.  All that remains are piles of dirt. 

The LDS Church is typically very discreet and protective about its temples and their construction, hence the green privacy fence.  Based on what has been announced through the press, the construction process will continue another two and a half years.  Click here to see what the finished product will look like.

Posted by Jeremy Peterson
Ogden, Utah Real Estate Broker
Mountain Real Estate Companies

1 comment:

  1. When I showed my wife your pictures in this post she said, "Wow! That really is a holy temple."

    Thanks for posting this.


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