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Monday, September 26, 2011

Ogden Redevelopment: September 2011 Update

I thought I would do a follow up on development projects I spotlighted in April and in several other posts.  Construction continues:

Weber Morgan Health Department

The last time we saw this site it was just a couple concrete walls being held up with beams.  Its coming  along nicely.  This building is located on 23rd Street between Adams Ave. and Washington Blvd.

The Lincoln Center

If you have traveled to Ogden and come into the city on the 24th Street viaduct, you can't miss this enormous project.  For the longest time work was being conducted on the interior concrete stairwells.  Finally, and quickly, they have assembled the walls and floors of this attractive edifice.

The Ogden Hilton

Construction just began on this building and they are making serious headway.  The first floor is nearly framed.

Its great to see this project moving forward despite the tough economic challenges we are facing.  It will provide a boost to surrounding businesses.  Here is what the finished project will look like:

As the economy rebounds, I anticipate a surge of new redevelopment projects in the city.  I know of several plans by developers who are just waiting for the macro economic climate to thaw a bit before they move forward with their designs. 


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