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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Enforcement: Ogden City Boots Dishonest Landlords From Discount Program

As a member of the Utah Apartment Association, I get a regular trade publication called the Landlord Times.  In today's edition was an article entitled Ogden City Disqualifies Dozens from Good Landlord Program.  Here is a excerpt:

Ogden City recently revoked the Good Landlord status of dozens of Ogden Property Owners who violated their agreements with the city, forcing them to pay thousands of dollars in extra fees to the city.

Participants in the Good Landlord program in Ogden agree to run background checks on all applicants, deny applicants with certain high risk factors, evict tenants who commit crimes, and comply with city ordinances and codes.  In return, the city reduces the per unit license fee as much as $143 per unit. 

Although I hear a lot of old timer landlords complain about this program, I have had nothing but good experiences following the guidelines in my business practice.  In fact, the class that the UAA puts on to train participants in the program has been a valuable business education tool.  It teaches landlords how to run their business like a business instead of a hobby.  It empowers owners to make their rental respectable instead of flophouses.

If you own rentals in Ogden, take heed to honor your agreement with the City if you are participating in this program.  Everyone benefits when you do what you say you will do.   

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