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Saturday, April 14, 2012

Things To Do In Utah: Snow Canyon State Park

We took some time off as a family to decompress and revitalize ourselves.  To help us enjoy our time, we headed to St. George.  While we were there, we took the kids to Snow Canyon State Park.

For those of you not familiar with the St. George area, the park is located about 8 miles north of town.  To get there, take the Bluff St. exit off I-15 and just head north while following the signs.  

The first stop was the Sand Dunes.  They are not so much dunes as they are patches of sand.  Regardless, kids love it.  

While the kids were digging in the sand, they uncovered these interesting greenish turquoise beetle grub.  They didn't like being in the sun and immediately burrowed back under the sand for cover.

 Our next stop was the Hidden Pinyon trail.

The kids were whiny and not in an adventurous mood.  Nevertheless, we were able to compel them to hike with their parents on this 1.5 mile loop.  

Just look at the enthusiasm beaming on those little faces (click to enlarge).  I guess we need some more lessons at the Peterson home on appreciation of nature.


Though short, the trail does provide some opportunity to escape and soak up what mother nature has to offer.  

The next time you are in St. George looking for something to do, be sure to check out Snow Canyon State Park


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