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Friday, June 15, 2012

Ogden Rising: The Ogden River Parkway

The improvements going on in Downtown Ogden continue to impress.  The Ogden River Parkway now connects to greenbelt trails in West Haven and Riverdale.  The trail system is quite remarkable and enjoyable to run or ride on. 

Today I wanted to showcase the portion of the trail between Washington Blvd. and just west of Wall Ave.  Ogden now has a tremendous asset flowing through the heart of the city. 

The Ogden River is now a great place for family outings.  Note: The wildlife in the area is still unfamiliar with people.  Unlike the ducks at Beus Pond which have had generations of people feed bread crumbs to them, the ducks on this stretch of the Ogden River run away from people well before you can can get close to them.  I guess that is a testament to their "newness" to the area.  Regardless, they are a welcome addition.    

Be sure to get out and enjoy this great part of the city!

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