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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Rental Repair: Concrete Stair Makeover

One of the rental properties that I manage for a client needed some new concrete stairs.  The stairs were probably poured sometime in the 1940's by our estimate.  You can see that the lower stair was actually rotting out from the bottom.

I called our concrete contractor and he installed some new stairs for us.  The job cost about $500.

If we estimate a 72 year lifespan like the previous steps, these new stairs cost about $0.02 per day...highly affordable and an attractive addition to the home. 

Making meaningful improvements to your rental property increases your tenant quality, reduces vacancy rates, and improves your bottom line.  Don't be afraid to invest in your property.  If done within reason, it makes good things happen for you, your tenants, and your community.

1 comment:

  1. concrete repair is tough stuff, but even concrete cracks and crumbles. Eventually, nature has her way. Moisture and temperature extremes make their presence known through damage to concrete floors, walks and structures. Fortunately, you can make simple concrete repair's yourself. concrete repair requires few tools and no special skills, but it does require a strong back.


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