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Friday, July 19, 2013

Photo of the Day: DIY Danger

I was recently shopping with some buyers in Roy.  We found a house that looked great in the photos but underwhelmed us when we saw the actual home.  One thing caught my eye on the back porch where the owner had installed a roof over the back porch.

See anything wrong with this picture?  This beam spans about 16 feet and carries the middle load for the roof.  There is a 4x4 post holding up the other end.  Where is the post at this end?  The flimsy screws and L-brackets will only carry the snow load for so long.  The bottom bracket is already showing the signs of stress.  Beneath this beam is a sliding door to the bedroom.  If this isn't fixed properly, the next owner of this home will risk personal injury and a view of the top of the porch roof when if finally collapses.

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