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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

CHARTS: Sales Up! Up! Up!

Let's take a look at how the market is faring this summer.  Queue the first chart please...

Here is our sales chart. The white line is our 1-year moving average. As you can see, sales volume bottomed out in 2011 and has been increasing year over year since.  A significant portion of 2011's sales were distressed or bank owned transactions.  Once those cleared the market, confidence in the marketplace improved and sales volume has increased steadily since.  

Here is that trend reflected in a Y-o-Y percentage chart comparing the change in sales over the same month the previous year:

As you can see the trend has been in a positive direction for a couple years now.

The good news is that the market is liquid again and buyers and sellers are transacting in a functional marketplace.  So, if you are considering selling your property, now is a good time to do it.  If you want to know what the market is doing in your neighborhood, CONTACT ME, and I will show you what is happening where you live. 

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