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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

JUST SOLD! Walking Dead Zombie Fourplex

I just sold this property at 2210 Jefferson Ave which is to be demolished:

Now wait, why would someone want to demolish such a darling twin home from the 1880's?  Well, as fate would have it, it has aged very poorly over the years.

After a hideous fire in 2001 that burned the stop story off the building, the home was scabbed together to look like this:

The property has had a sordid history since.  Its final chapter has been involved in foreclosure involving a notorious local real estate "guru" who leveraged the place up and then walked away.  It has taken the bank nearly three years to complete the foreclosure.

To add to the complexity, my buyer put the home under contract only to discover that the seller (the bank) had not recorded their trustees deed to take ownership of the property.  It took us three months of not-so-subtle encouragement to entice the seller to hunt down the paperwork so we could conclude the transaction.  In the end, we closed on this zombie fourplex with cash for $109,900.

Except for a menacing squatter who lived in the property for a few months before our neighborhood worked with police to have him arrested, the property has been vacant for years.  The property will be scraped and room made for the next chapter in Ogden's resurgence.  

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