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Saturday, January 18, 2014

Things To Do In Utah: Snowshoeing Clegg Canyon in Wasatch County

We took the kids to Midway, UT for the weekend to get away before a very busy time of year arrives for our family.  This year we decided to do some snowshoeing away from town.  We explored a bit and found ourselves at Clegg Canyon.

To get there from Heber City, head south on HWY 40 for about 10 miles.  The pull over is about 30 yards before the canyon trailhead and on the opposite side of the road.  It will catch you off guard so keep your eyes peeled.

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The trail is for horses and hikers only.  But, I hear that a Polaris snowmobile has about 125 horses in it so I am sure the fellow that made these tracks was simply confused by the signage.

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The trail is lined by quaky aspens and pine trees.

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The hoar frost made for some beautiful photos.

And of course, no outdoor adventure with my girls would be complete without some startling scene of blood to damper there tender spirits.  Last year's snowshoeing treat was half-eaten baby dear carcasses.  This year's trail was simply dribbled in mysterious blood.

Despite the gore, the trail was very pleasant, easy to ascend, and most importantly quiet.  If you are looking for some solitude, I highly recommend Clegg Canyon.  Just make sure you don't get eaten my a mountain lion while you are there.    

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